Morning- I went to FRIM for a good walk+some hiking+canopy walking with Cheeky+Suresh & his gf,Jessica. (will soon blog about it..)
Noon- Mr.Hubs & I shoot off to Port Dickson and checked in the hotel. gradually thought the hotel was worth the price. Both then took 1 hour sleep before we change into our swimsuits and head to the beach...

Morning- we had a huge breakfast buffet with our seat facing the beach (seabreeze can really lift your appetite! not good for those who are on a strict diet :), then quickly went back up to finish up what we started. (our beauty sleep!) watched some cartoons till noon and extended our checkout time so I can watch Melodi.hehe
Noon-Check out and head to Seremban -meeting Suresh at his house. after his house was finally out of maruku stokcs, then we head to Cheras to stop by at Hannah's crib, excited to meet her mom after for so long..
Later that afternoon- found Jass & Elle were at Hannah's as well...so now we can all go ape together..while Hannah's not-aging-at-all-mom laughing away non-stop,probably thinking it's time for Hannahto migrate to Tuvalu and find saner circle of friends...heh.

Jass suruh headbang, so we headbang lah! "Goyang..goyang..goyang!!"

ok..nak balik dah ni...la la la..
Nite-Had dinner at Pelita while A'an and his SSI buddies meet up at talk about how manly they are for liking the same thing -Wonderpets show at TV9. (juz kidding guys...). Then went to accompany A'an staying back at his office till 5am...where I update the blog about this damn thang...

Morning-We are planning to go Pasar Keramat to do some grocery shopping (semangat poyo). Then...I dont know..
Noon-I wanna go see my Laling and her lil' baby girl!!!
Let's hope Monday will be materialised okay?? Amen.
IN A NUTSHELL.. the so called pre-honeymoon escapade truly was like a pinch of what a real honeymoon would be like! HEAVEN ELEVEN!! Even it was a 2day 1 night getaway, it was truly satisfying starting from the planning of the trip where we did it together from finding the suitable hotel to our preference AND budget! One thing I realized, is how compatible we both are. We really enjoy each other's company where we could switch our roles from a spouse to a bestfriend in a blink without even realizing it. There were things we did together (cracking jokes, some hard shoves and smackdowns) like BFF then it could suddenly becomes romantic & lovey dovey (and lusty.ahem) and back to being mates again...I could never find anyone else much better than you Farhan dearest... thank you for being wonderful, that is..by just being yourself. I love the fact that I can do all the things I used to do, the new stuff I like and at the same time, be myself with you supporting me all the time..no one else come close..no one.
Hugs..Hugs..HUgs.. ( I can't wait for our REAL LOooOong HoneymooooOon to finally come...Hope towards the end of it I wont die out of content & happiness.. ) last but not least, like I haven't mention it earlier (eyes rolling)..
A'an dearest...I love you. SANGAT. as many as all the nachos+chachos in the world combined!
hehheheehhee.. u are soo jiwang yer..hehehehe
hehheheehhee.. u are soo jiwang yer..hehehehe
you guys make a great couple. So lovey dovey..hehehehe. If I could only see A'an's reaction when he is reading this..hehehe....
p/s : hannah is an awesome cook siot...
u guys honeymoon kat sini je la! bawak nyet skalik!
diana: marriage makes u jiwang..but not to the extend of wearing matching pink outfits to a fren's engagement ceremony. dats the ultimatum of jiwangness!! haha
jass: yeah, he'll be smiling from ear to ear but at a sheepish way like a skool boy.. (apa aku merepek ni..? was that even english?haha)
atun: damn...japan is damn far la syg..it'll probably be our 10th anniversary's honeymoon when we can finally afford it (i dont wanna backpack on my honeymoon! so all have to be in lush&splendor..) maybe by that time Hannah (a.k.a Nyet) will be bringing along her line of kids to visit dearest aunty 'antilantun'..hahah. miss u babe..heard nissan retrenching tons of staff? are u affected?
aaaaaa after looking at your photos baru i realize u kawan diana. heheh.. can i link my blog to yours??
btw, Pd memang sesuai for short vacation!
yup, kawan diana indeed :)
sure gorgeous,pls do so..it's a great honour when anyone requested me that.especially from someone whose blog just gave me 2 useful info. (myeg & riqzmie's blog)
tq again & cheers!
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