Yup! What an old thing to post up in a blog..it's something i had to do so i could sleep peacefully at night.(yeah rite..).well actually, i have to do this in order for me to post up my recent backpacking (if u say Aug'2006-recent.hah) in Bangkok-Phuket..it has to be in order! so people wont see me as a jumbled/messed up chic (i'm a chic now? wow..), (which i already am (messed up) )by the way she blogs.nope..we dont want that do we? okay back to jakarta.*sigh.. after Bandung, we went for Jakarta, spent a few days there...
-->>Rantau Abang-shopping,Glodok-dvd shopping, few other places-shopping (what else could it be? duh)..
Hard Rock Jakarta & Planet Hollywood..nothing much there..better crowd in Malaysia.
Then there's massaging & lulur session(scrubbin') d lady scrubbed me all over the place!!We went to the 'Workshop' a club with fantastic collections of Harleys, lots of pool table with HUGE
One thing