29 December 2008

Insiden Sepetang di Tmn Bunga..

Khai, please undo the spell. please.

This would be the longest post ever (for my blog lah kan..)

For the sake of my special year of 2008...I cant believe I did this...

1) Harken back to your archives.
2) Collect the first sentence you wrote every month for the whole year.
3) Entertain us.

Noo..I'm not going back to 2004. I have other things to do, you know. (like viewing metacafe's 'how to' clips, responding to facebook photo comments and rsvp to events i know i wont be attending.haha) So here's 2008... ( I realized that I'm not good at making short sentences.aiyoh)

December 08:(must wait till december comes lah)
November 08:Yeap!
October 08:Yep, it was a long journey up & down south to north then north to south.
September 08: Oh well..i'm bored with work,takibg a break..here's a Meme i took from Angela's.
August 08:Next ring is the suffe'ring'...ahaks!
July 08:It almost 6 am in Vigo, Spain...life has been hectic with work n wedding prep..and I'm going back for my wedding , touchdown on the 1st of aug.
June 08:I miss you dearest blog...please forgive me for this haste post...
May 08:Just when i thought I could sit down and relax..maybe clear all my post drafts...I was instructed to travel again.. to Azores Island in Portugal, Madrid and Paris for the whole 2 weeks!!!
April 08:It's 10.30pm here in Lisbon = 5.45am in M'sia... GOD!
March 08:Here is a tribute to my fellow friends in Jakarta (some has left SCAN,but still..u guys are a great bunch of people i would cherish for life) they were a wonderful hosts & hostess when we went for the Jakarta-Bandung trip 2005..Dion,Tesna & Victor, thank you for the crazy night around Jakarta!
February 08:To dearest Idzwan (Idzzy is his pimp name by night) & spouse, CONGRATULATIONS!!
January 08:Things we must do as another year ends..aside from joining the crowd counting from 10-0 like kindergarten kids screaming for attention to their counting ability (obviously i didn't join d crowd.

Okay, there! Now a round of Resolution Drama!!!!! yeaaahhh. let's see what have I done (and did not do with no guilt feelings or whatsoever except for number ...)

  1. 5 full prayers (Must do more than just this in 2009)
  2. Get my own green laptop (Got my Sya-sya)
  3. Find my dream hse n buy it! (Yeay! Got it)
  4. Vanilla for Papa (Turned into a few hectares of palm trees)
  5. Must travel more (1-Beach&Island trip,2-Mount Hiking,2-Overseas Trip) (Sadly,no mount hiking at all in 2008. I cant believe this!)
  6. Join at least 3 MTB events (must finish all 4 stages for PCC this year)(No PCC in 2008 but a proud owner of the 'ECC Enjoy the Sahara Ride'-battle scar!)
  7. Wash the car more frequently (twice a month) (My car don't deserve a sloppy owner like me)
  8. Call home double than d usual. (feels closer to home this year)
  9. blog more with lesser reasons any kind of depression. (Improvements, eh?)
  10. Take up dance class or another foreign language class. (Aur pavor, eh?)
  11. (Cant disclose this here..) (Yeay! I'm married at the age of 24! I won the bet! Sarah, Hannah, Hazel, Shady, A'in & Atun-PAY UP!!))
  12. Love my family, boyfriend and friends more than ever.. (Never felt I've done enough..)
So now..for the up coming new year...let's get ambitious!!
  1. 5 full prayers (Must do more than just this in 2009)
  2. Improve my MTB & the skills! Get into few feet downhill jumps. (we can do it, Kurr!!
  3. Complete the hse decor! Get my dream home by the 2nd quarter!
  4. Get my bloody honeymoon!!
  5. Must travel more (for vacation!!)
  6. Join at least 3 MTB events (must finish all 4 stages for PCC this year)
  7. Wash the car more frequently (twice a month) -i did say 'let's get ambitious', right?
  8. Cook more...new recipes.
  9. Start my running regime! (Nike Lunar..here I come!)
  10. Speak & read more spanish...and fluently!
  11. (Cant disclose this here..) -Hope to get this by end of 2009..
  12. Love my family, boyfriend and friends more than ever.. (Never felt I've done enough..)
  13. MUST GET MY SCUBA LICENSE, no matter what!!!!!!
Okay...I have to admit..I'm bored here...so here goes.

1. What did you do in 2008 that you'd never done before?
(and will never do it again) what i was forced to do during my hen party at mojo. Can't wait for the girls turn to get married. Yam,Hannah,Yash,Ofey,Wawa,Nana...watch out!

2. Did you keep your new years' resolutions, and will you make more for next year?

3. Did anyone close to you give birth?
Nope, A'an is not ready to deliver yet. He's only 2 months pregnant! haha. Aside from tons of frens having their 1st bundle of joy..(and 2nd and maybe 3rd)..hm...i dont know lah. Altho'..I am now excited thinking about Haniza's day..in less than a few more weeks! I'm gonna have my 1st godchild!!!

4. Did anyone close to you die?
My wonderful Uncle Salleh. Recently November 7. Al-Fatihah..

5. What countries (State) did you visit?
This year? does transits counts? hehe.. Singapore (3x), Bangkok, Portugal,Spain (2x), London, Amsterdam, Belgium.

6. What would you like to have in 2009 that you lacked in 2008?
More time in a day..

7. What date from 2008 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
My wedding. I cant believe we managed to have THAT much of $$ and spent it so fast!!! But, I'll never forget my darling husband's tears after he said his vows..truly touched.

8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?
err..a wonderful wedding+a succesful career? juggled it both at the same time.

9. What was your biggest failure?
No family vacation this year ..bummer.

10. Did you suffer illness or injury?
hahah. yeahhhh (jatuh bike)

11. What was the best thing you bought?
nintendo wii, ixus dgcam, handycam,a house, my 1st ever laptop (yup. all this in a month!) refer to Q #7.

14. Where did most of your money go?
the wedding. told ya.

15. What did you get really, really, really excited about?
a weekend with no plans made.

16. What song will always remind you of 2008?
You make it real for me by James Morrison.

17. Compared to this time last year, are you:

Older or wiser?
just older i guess. but wiser to this office politics.
Thinner or fatter?
hmm..thinner at the upperside and no changes on the lower part. *sigh
Richer or poorer?
pretty much both. the more you earn, the more u spend.

18. What do you wish you'd done more of?
save more money & spend it on my family.

19. What do you wish you'd done less of?
hoho-procrastinating, being lazy. 2009, no more me sleeping in my office attire!

20. How will you be spending your next festive celebration?
With bigger family...(i have in-laws now...remember?)

22. Did you fall in love in 2008?
over n over again. funny how this hasnt change since 2004

23. How many one-night stands?
owh..none to boot.

24. What was your favorite TV program?
Puaka Niyang Rapik? ahahahahah.. no lah. but I never seem to miss any of the episode every Thursday night. Gila! A'an..we need an astro, fast!

25. Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?
hmm..I'm done hating peeps. I still hate winter,tho.

26. What was the best book you read?
this year? For One More Day-Mitch Albom

27. What was your greatest musical discovery?
fell in love again with The Cardigans

28. What did you want and get?
A husband and a house with our own tennis court, basketball hoop, swimming pool, sauna, squash court & a gym.yep..just a 25 year old nicely maintained condo.

29. What did you want and not get?
A tattoo. Never.

30. What was your favorite film of this year?
cloverfield ,quarantine (i love man-handled camera kinda movies) and 4bia (1st time i ever admit to like a horror flick) Yes Man was very inspiring...yes to life!!!

31. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
had a surprise by my loved ones by the pool and a karaoke session after that! owh, proud to a quarter of a decade!

32. What was one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
more annual leave and salary?

33. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2007?
all over the place.

34. What kept you sane?
no one is sane around me. so am i.

35. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
can i call myself a celebrity? hahaha.

36. What political issue stirred you the most?
to gruesome to mention.

37. Who did you miss? (in no particular order)
The TokMama & TokPapa when I was little.

38. Who was the best new person you met?
I haven't met this person yet but I know for sure that it's soon & she'll be the best thing ever! my darling Godchild!!!

Okay, that's it...I'm ready for 2009. come and get me by the front door!

28 December 2008

Ansara Dinner 2008

Yeah, Dato' Mukhriz can surely sing.
Went for the dinner with my parents, since papa was one of the special guest- an MRSM educator. I'm glad we were there..and also to the fact that I can still fit in the super tight at the abs kebaya! (the whole thing is as old as my age,okay!!) Thank god to the invention of a corset and the front buttons didn't pop! fooh...I still have the figure.yey!

Shazmi & Fendy's Big Day.. (officially taken / no longer a virgin)

Nope! It was not a gay wedding, but a 2 separate normal wedding lah!

On the 26th Dec 08, was a day both I had never expected and looking forward to.
  • The unexpected= Shazzy's Wedding,
  • The anticipated= Fendy's wedding.
Let's start with Fendy's! After being reminded for like 30 times by Fendy, who almost gave up on me and my amnesiac mind on 26th would be a Friday..I was lucky that the big boss gave us a half day after lunch since most were still on their Xmas holidays, so off I went to Fendy's solemnization ceremony in Kajang. Thanks to my darling lil' monkey-Hannah who lead me through d confusing routes in Kajang with her eyes closed and we arrived just in time for the event. We managed to witnessed the groom looking both excited and in doubt but realized that it's too late to run now coz if he did, he'll be a minced meat before he even reach out of the front gate. I did a 'thumbs up' which he noticed and looked tonnes more relaxed after he smiled. In the hot and crowded but sweetly english style decorated living room of a modern wooden house, at 5.20pm Fendy & Dhilla were pronounced as husband & wife. Congratulations!!! Glad I was there, to witnessed such happy moments which gave me a flood of deja vu on my own wedding which was just a few months back. I was right about the day to be damn fast right after you say your vows, huh Fendy? Well, it took me 3 months to believe that I'm someone's wife :)
Fendy looking composed but all mushy inside :)
but look at Nizamnuri at the back.hahaha.sabar..your time will come.hihi

The lovely bride, looking serene & pure

Yeay! to Fendy!!

Then I rushed back, send Hannah and get ready for tonite's event. Shazzy's wedding reception at Concorde Hotel, Shah Alam. It's a bummer I was to swamped with work lately that I didn't have time to scout for a bollywood outfit to match the reception theme. It was indeed a grand one. Knowing Shazmi, it was expected to be this well planned.(yes shazzy..it's a bloody honest compliment) It was a joyous moment where all of us ex-Scanners to meet up again and together witness Shazmi's special night...I'm just glad none of us had to dance up the stage like you said we had to :) Dear Shazmi & Nadia..Congratulations!! Nadia, u look gorgeous & mesmerizing while Shazzy cant help looking like a proud man with a smug face to have such a beautiful bride..hihi.

The bride, not enjoying their food like we did. Haha

It feels like ages since we both went to a dinner together!! I miss u Ofey!

Felling deja vu?

My ever loyal & determined prawn processor!

The smug face. I was right,kan? kan?

With the newlyweds who looked more like a bollywood movie character.

We ladies wanna be on stage too so all the make up were not for waste!

Dilla attempting a belly-less dance, me obsessed with my soon to be godchild.

The super excited soon-to-be parents! (me too!!!-about being excited.)

Loyal+determined prawn processor deserves to be on stage too. I love u, syg.

To both lucky couple of the day...I wish you a long & happy life together with eternal love & care with tonnes of babies, grandkids n great grandkids that u lost count and their names not for being old but because of there's just too many of them... :) Cheers!!!

12 December 2008

What honeymoon?

I don't see it coming any closer.. :( since there will be massive traveling for work in 2009. *sigh*

3 December 2008


It's not healthy to start your day imagining yourself shouting at someone for some common sense. It's unhealthy enough to breath in cigarettes smoke in the morning while walking your way to work. Then the swearing&cursing-under-your-breath-without-a-full-stop starts.

Look people..for those of you smokers out there. let's understand something here. It's enough that we are gradually contributing to air pollution which leads to global warming and the melting ice bergs and the diminishing of tuna species in the ocean (i could go on some more , u know but i have to get to my point fast before my deadly irritation flame cools off. nanti dah tak syok nak story-mory-morning glory). We women (not sure if the guys too) woke up a bit earlier to wash our hair (altho it's not much, but it takes some time to wash n dry it tau) so it'll smells like a tumbled dry fresh n nice hair (TDFNH) which makes most of our day (and some of the men's too). Enough of car exaust fumes to molest our TDFNH..then you stoopid jerks with your ego mania trying to show off you have the amazing ability to puff your ciggies and walk at the same time passing by us with TDFNH...and left your ciggie residue for us to breath in and kill our TDFNH.

Oi..have some common sense lah wei. Can't you just wait until you get to a smoking area with an ashtray bin to smoke n stand still? What if I drink a big bottle of my Twister Apple Juice and pee all the way as I walk infront of you for you to step on? yuck, right? unless you share the same sexual fetish as Hitler's, that could be enjoyable to u sick urolagnia peeps)
damn, I cool down too fast. aside from wanting to shoot these stoopid freakin a**holes, I'm off for a cuppa coffee for now. To all dearest stoopid smoking striders, I curse all the days you have molested any TDFNH while u show off your so call amazing ability. Bunch of Idiots with a super big fat capital 'I'. Pegi mampos. -N-

2 December 2008

I'm excited for Mr.Crowe of Ms.Zue Ross??

This Miss Gorgeous is a good fren of ours (me n Ofey)..meet Zue Ross. we use to hang out in Kulim n Penang every weekend for movies, endless window shopping -nak beli xdak duit..budak2 skolah kan..la ni pun dah keja pun xdak duit jugak.haru sungguh life aku ni. n mindless chatter and bitchings.haha (she's actually a good friend of Ofey but then..being the friendly one..i always end up being close to them as well. mcm aku xde kawan sendiri pulak kan? kesian..huhu)

anywho, i kinda gave out a chuckle while my boss was passing by. and being a daddyly boss, he asked what's so funny.(sure dia risau aku gelakkan dia kan?nampak sgt what i think matters to him.hoho..perasan sat.) kena la aku tipu..i said i made a typo which sounds very obscene and do not wish to tell any elderly people. lepas tu dia terasa kot aku ckp dia elderly, and he went off..hoho. (aku dah agak melalut ni..ok back to Zue Ross's scoop) before starting on why I'd actually aku gelak sorang2 tadi , i must tell you that Ofey, the generous-media prima-sister-who-will never-forget-her-darling sister-whenever-she-gets-free movie passes.seperti biasa..gave me 2 free movie passes (watching tonight) since A'an has a plan, I'm proceeding with the premier with Zue Ross...(okay..we are now so close to the 'why i chuckled sorang2' story) the last movie we watched together was Titanic (yes, it was THAT long.ages dah kan?) and tonight...we are watching a movie with the same hero in it..Leonardo DiCaprio. guess what the movie is..la la la..

I'm a Russell Crowe fan then a Leonardo. excited dah ni..ngeh ngeh.
Oh and the gelak sorang2 part..after Zue Ross agreed to tag along for the premier, I suddenly remembered the adventure we had for watching Spice Girls the Movie in Penang. we went from cinema to cinemas and ended up in Penang Island for a 9pm show without thinking of our transportation back to the main land and Kulim.hahhahha...we scraped out or cash and coins to spend a night in a cheap motel..and the rest was hilarious...hahaha.even dah kena marah dgn Zue's big bro and uncle Ross.hahha. Ofey, Zue..ingat lagi tak? hahahha
okay Zue..cant wait for tonight...!! (not sure I'm excited for the movie or meeting up with Zue again.hmm)

1 December 2008

can't wait for this..

because...d book was great (funny kinda great, Larry Doyle..what do u xpect) and..
(khai, ur gonna like this)
Hayden is the Beth!
call me a lesbo or what..i don't care!
September 2009..come quick!