5 May 2011

The Alee-gator

If I had a baby, including the 9months pregnancy period, he/she would be 1month old by now...
That is how long I have stopped blogging.

So, true enough, my little darling IS now 1 month old. he he he

Alee Bin Mohd Farhan
now that I have you, I don't know what I would do without..

I am now in the midst of my confinement, can't wait for the final day in a 13more days to gooooo!!
I miss all d food i've been stuffing my face with when I was heavily pregnant with ridiculous cravings! Here's proof to show how I have bloated up.. (at the beach in PD and in my new cycling jersey I can't wait to wear and cycle sooooon!)

So 44days of confinement is like a home arrest or quarantine which can cause a serious damage to your brain a.k.a brain dead if u do not have a cable tv or the internet to at least console your wanderlust heart. My mom said that during the 44days, even the baby has 44 type of behaviour. True enough, there are days I was also sleeping like a baby and days I was kept awake like the security guard at the banks. I was going nuts at one point, sleep deprived can make you really wanna go coocko. It's not like the baby was crying all the time, but he wants breastmilk 24/7. Therefore, I have transformed into a NZ farmcow,heavily producing milk like for the whole kampung. Sometimes it is depressing, but somehow all the hardship seems worth it when you look at the angelic toothless smile of the baby, or when they coo..but definetely not when they poo :p (man, this little boy's poo is like a mashed pumkin pie..and he is also producing it for the whole kampung! )

The pregnancy process was truly awesome and I would love to go trough it again and again (since I can eat like a hungry ghost and forget about the weight gain and the way people around you treat you extra nice! ) But the delivery process...hmm...I have doubts wether I would want to go trough it again.(the normal, no epidural or anesthetic whatsoever way) The contraction was 24hours long but the pushing last only 3minutes? Thank God for good friends--->
who kept me company with conversations, bad jokes and laughter (someone forgot the bloody poker cards) it doesn't seem so bad afterall (sugarcoated!) untill it was time to deliver! That is the most unbearable part. It felt like my spine was splitting into pieces and my whole body was shaking from trying to fight the pain. I am still traumatic right now, so no astro-BIO channel (i didnt know i was pregnant shows & etc) for me for at least a year or so :)
This is the baby who I took with me in my tummy to Bangkok at 3months old of pregnancy (where he 1st kicked! a sign to say 'u have done enough walking for the day,mummy') and to Medan at 6months old of pregnancy where I was lucky I didn't get diabetes from all the eating spree :)

So to prove that I am now suffering from brain damage and could not think of any interesting stuff to write, I'm just going to sum this up for now..hehe

I am glad & grateful to have this baby and a very supporting husband along the way. (you should see his face in the labour room,people..hihi) I hope this blessed life will continue until forever and a day..Amin.
Our family was complete before, and it is now a whole lot more better :)

The father's blog about the baby..